To perform culturally sensitive, educational presentations on issues affecting our communities in an effort to create healthier ones.
Interactive Educational Theatre is a non-profit 501(c) 3 specializing in social issue education, founded in 1993.
The theatre has traveled across thecountry, performing for elementary, middle and high schools, colleges and universities, correctional facilities and other community organizations as well as theaters. It's primary program combines humor and drama, as it addresses difficult social issues and topics by creating a comfortable learning environment for our audiences.
Improvisational theatre techniques allow for interaction between the actors and the audience which is the key to the effectiveness of the program.
The actors set up commonplace scenarios that the audience might encounter and together they work toward possible solutions. All shows are age-appropriate and designed to tackle the problems and specific needs confronting each group.
Some Collaborators
CT Association of Schools
CT Dept. of Public Health
CT Dept. of Corrections
CT Dept. of Education
Hartford Health Care/Hospital
CT Children's Medical Center
American Red Cross
Concerned Citizens for Humanity
Pepperidge Farm
American Heart Association
CT. Council on Problem Gambling
Just Kids, Inc.